Tag: zerotohero

  • How Folding Your Arms Can Help You Power Through Peripheral Staring

    How Folding Your Arms Can Help You Power Through Peripheral Staring

    The blog discusses peripheral staring as a symptom of Visual Tourettic OCD and compares it to Misophonia. It offers a competing technique to suppress the urge to stare, emphasising the use of a physical discomfort to overcome the premonitory urge. The technique aims to address the tic in legitimate situations, where continuous staring may cause…

  • Relationship OCD: Why Groinal Response Doesn’t Make You A Cheat (Exclusive Content)

    Relationship OCD: Why Groinal Response Doesn’t Make You A Cheat (Exclusive Content)

    Jo struggles with relationship-intrusive thoughts related to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Despite undergoing evidence-based treatment, she faces challenges resisting compulsions and seeking reassurance due to her brain’s cortex. Understanding the biology of OCD and cognitive therapy helps her navigate and improve the effectiveness of exposure and response prevention (ERP) therapy.

  • Obsessive and Addictive Porn Viewing: How To Tell The Difference (Exclusive Content)

    Obsessive and Addictive Porn Viewing: How To Tell The Difference (Exclusive Content)

    The content discusses the connection between sexual obsessions, compulsions, and addiction, particularly focusing on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and porn viewing. It delves into the distinction between compulsive and addictive behaviours, as well as the treatment approaches for OCD and addiction. The article emphasises cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and exposure-response prevention for OCD, and the relevance of…